A thousand-year old tradition
A legacy of the past, passed down and safeguarded through the generations by the Tardini family. We present to you the "black gold" of Modena: our Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale.
The roots of Aceto Balsamico can be traced back to the Roman era: even Cicerone and Virgilio talked about "cooked must".
During the middle ages, owning a vinegar factory was a real family asset and a prestigious dowry for young brides of noble origin.
The raw material of Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale is the must of grapes typical of Modena:Trebbiano and Lambrusco.
The must is cooked in open kettles, and reduced by up to 50%. It is then preserved in the largest barrels (Badesse and Madre Barrels). The production unit of Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale is not composed of a single barrel but of a set of barrels made of different types of wood and in graduated sizes, known as "Batteria" (from a minimum of 5 up to 10-12 barrels).
The differentiation of wood from one barrel to the next results in a precious bouquet of aromas and unique characteristics.
The typical types of traditional wood that are used include: oak, chestnut, mulberry and juniper, with the addition of cherry, then acacia/locust tree and ash.

Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale, with its unique taste, is obtained from the age-old casks, according to the ancient method of drawing and topping up.
Ageing in barrels is undoubtedly the most important phase of the production process, and the older the barrel, the better the product. You can distinguish the essences of the wood and the aromas of balsamic vinegars which have been stored there over the years.
After over 12 years of ageing, the product can be labelled as Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena, protected by the D.O.P. certification.

Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale is stored in attics where it is lovingly cared for, from generation to generation.
The Tardini family’s attic is tinged with the colour of the precious wood of the “Batteria”.
This site is mainly exposed to extreme temperature changes, and peace reigns supreme.
Harsh winters favour decantation, while hot summers facilitate the fermentation and evaporation times.
“The secret to excellent quality is simple:
CARE, LOVE and PATIENCE.” explains Tardini. “Everything is tied to the value of time and tradition.
By respecting the rhythms of Nature, we reach a perfect sublimation of inimitable scents, aromas and flavours.”

Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale is used whenever a dish needs a touch of acidity and balance.
To enjoy it at its best we must first choose the right ageing for the dishes we want to create, although the extreme versatility of this product makes it suitable for any kind of food.
Generally, for dressing salads, preparing a vinaigrette or marinating meat and fish, a young aceto balsamico is ideal, because it is very liquid and not too intense. To give an extra touch of acidity to risottos, soups, meat and fish, whether roasted or boiled, it’s better use a medium-aged balsamico. Finally, to accompany cheeses and shellfish, a balsamico aged for over twelve years is a must.

It’s even perfect for wild berries and a plain vanilla ice cream.
The advice is to use just a few drops, and raw.
Aceto balsamico Extravecchio di Tardini aged for over 25 years is certified by a panel of Expert Tasters.
It is bottled in small spherical bottle with a rectangular base, designed by Giugiaro Design, sealed with a numbered label.
Today as in the past, Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena is considered as an exquisitely luxurious gift which was even enjoyed by courts of Kings and Princes from all over Europe.
A unique, exclusive, artisanal and non-commercial product, that Maison Tardini delights in presenting to its best customers.